H3M Paris 11 : Arthur Immo H3M Paris 11

Model letters

Model letters

Request for access to administrative documents

Public rights

Your contact details

Contact details of the administrative authority requested
At ... (place), on ... (date),

Subject: Communication of administrative document

Madam (or Sir ) the (Prefect, Mayor, President...),

As permitted by Ordinance No. 2015-1341 of October 23, 2015, I have the honor of requesting the communication of the following document(s ): (indicate very precisely the documents requested).

Please allow me to consult them on site on ... at ... (date and time requested) or to inform me of the opening hours of your services for the consultation of the documents


Please send me a copy (in paper format, on diskette, on CD-ROM, on DVDROM, or on USB key**)

Or* I would like

Please send them to me in digital format by e-mail at the following address

Thank you for your attention to my request. Please accept, Madam, Sir, the expression of my sincere greetings.


* Themethod of communication is at the applicant's discretion, within the limits of the technical capabilities of the administrative services (reproduction equipment and conservation of the documents requested)
**Thecost of postage and reproductions will be invoiced to the applicant (including media)