H3M Paris 11 : Arthur Immo H3M Paris 11

Our practical sheets

Our practical sheets

Mandatory diagnoses when renting a property

The mandatory diagnostics

You rent your property?

If it is a property for residential use, you must provide the tenant with a file of technical diagnoses whose content varies according to the property you are renting.

If the property is used for purposes other than housing, you are not obliged to compile a technical diagnosis file, but certain diagnoses must still be attached to the lease.

The state of natural, mining and technological risks and polluted soils:
This diagnosis is mandatory for all properties, including land, if they are located within the perimeter of a risk prevention or seismic plan.
Information on polluted soils is mandatory if the land is located in a soil information area, determined by prefectural decree. As of January 1, 2023, the content, the procedures for drawing up and submitting the risk report are changing (see sheet no. 10-6).

The diagnosis of energy performance:
This diagnosis is mandatory for all closed and covered buildings with a heating system.

This diagnosis is mandatory for all residential properties built before January 1, 1949.

For residential leases constituting the tenant's principal residence, this diagnosis is mandatory since January 1, 2018 for all housing, regardless of their date of construction, when the electrical installation is more than 15 years old.

For residential leases constituting the principal residence of the tenant, this diagnosis is mandatory since January 1, 2018 for all housing, regardless of their date of construction, when the gas installation is over 15 years old.

Information on the risks of airborne noise pollution:
This document is mandatory for housing located in a zone of exposure to airfield noise.

Note: Concerningasbestos, the owner has the obligation :